Physics is the fundamental science from which many fields of science and engineering developed. It is essentially an inter-disciplinary undertaking,interacting with the life sciences, medicine, computer science, mathematics, chemistry and other disciplines. Its emphasis on fundamental concepts, thorough analytic training and a combination of logic and intuition enables students with a background in physics to apply their understanding both to these other disciplines and to the new scientific and technological frontiers that are developing rapidly at the interface between more traditional disciplines, e.g. biophysics, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics and medical imaging.

The Applied Physics Minor will equip you with the solid cross-disciplinary background that is highly valued by industry and academia. It provides a strong background in fundamental science, together with the transferable skills (such as analytical thinking, communication skills, computer literacy and cooperative learning) relevant to a rapidly changing working environment. The program gives you the opportunity to explore selected area(s) in greater depth. This provides you with the depth and flexibility to explore a wide variety of career opportunities, including graduate study, medical school, teaching, environmental planning, investments and technical management.

Contact Information: Geoff Dougherty, PhD, Professor of Physics
Phone: 805-437-8990 Fax: 805-437-8864


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